Saturday, January 9, 2010

Trading in the H0nda

"You're going to have to buy a mini van!"  Those were the doctor's last words to us as he left the exam room grinning after our very first ultrasound (5w2d).  Well folks, Friday's ultrasound (8w1d) revealed that we will not need a mini van after all.  It looks like we'll be trading in the H0nda Acc0rd for a station wagon.   

Baby B stopped developing between 5 and 6 weeks.  Baby A and Baby C on the other hand looked great.  Baby A had a heartrate of 176bpm, and C clocked in at 178bpm.  They are both measuring on target.  Two perfect little gummy bears.  Twins.

(sorry for the crap quality-  it's a photo of a small grainy printout, but you can see two!)

Elizabeth and I are absolutely elated to see these two doing so well.  And honestly, we're not devastated over the loss of B.  Any sadness we might feel is tempered by the knowledge that twins have fewer health risks than triplets.  I won't have more babies than arms...or breasts.  There's a chance I won't need a C-section.  I won't have to take out a loan to buy diapers.  Two babies seem downright manageable if you've gotten yourself prepared for 3.


Anonymous said...

I have been stalking your blog for the past two days waiting to hear the results of the ultrasound and am so freaking excited to hear that you all are having Twins!!!

I am glad to hear that both babies are doing well and have some great heartbeats.

justine said...

i am all teary! go babies!! we are SO excited to see you tonite.

hope you and elizabeth are celebrating! we are so over the moon excited for you both- you four!

how are you feeling?!

GIsen said...

Wonderful news! One for each of you:)
I hope you are still enjoying being symptom free.

Elana Kahn said...

Was B one of the identicals? In any case, as sorry as I am about the loss of Baby B, you are right that having twins will be MUCH easier. Congrats on the twins!!!

Sarah said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad the two are doing so well and very sorry for the loss of Baby B.


Melissa said...

YAY twins!! I'm so happy for you. I'm so happy you are in suck a great space.

Pomegranate said...

I'm so excited to hear that you have two healthy beautiful little gummy bears. Go Twins!

Two Moms, Two Monkeys said...

Sorry to hear about baby B, but twins are so much more manageable and so much fun! I wish you a healthy and uneventful pregnancy! You may be one of the lucky ones with no symptoms! Congratulations!

rachelbk said...

I have been blog-stalking since Friday-sooo happy for you! maybe an SUV instead of a ststion wagon-much more hip, lol.

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful ultrasound! congratulations! however i still recommend a mini van! the automatic doors are worth any "uncool" ness the van comes with! so excited for you both!!!

jessie said...

Twins are so great! And glad that you're happy with it. What a beautiful photo you have there.

Anonymous said...

Congrats - they're beautiful. :)

e said...

We've been following you guys for a while, congrats on the twins!

P said...

Congratulations!! So happy to hear that the two are doing well. So exciting.

Strawberry said...

Such wonderful news- those two babies look great! Congrats, girls!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! And consider the mini-van anyways... we tried to be cool (at least lesbicool) with a Subaru Forester and let me tell you... with two carseats, we're cram packed already, not to mention the stroller that's soon to overwhelm the cargo area. ;-)

Anonymous said...

AWESOME!!!! They are 2 beautiful--perfect little babes! I am over the moon for you guys! Wonderful, wonderful news...

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Twins sounds wonderful. Enough arms and breasts sounds wonderful, too. When will you start shopping for the station wagon? ;)

Ruby at Breathedragon said...

Twins! That is wonderful. Congratulations and much luck with the months to come.

Warmly, Ruby (

Libberal said...

Congrats, how exciting to have twins in there!!

Schroedinger said...

Wonderful! Sorry I am just catching up now-- Speedymom was here over the weekend and we're on the DL with all this stuff. This is FANTASTIC> They look perfect. Go and coppy that list of twin deals Puffer's got up on her blog (a couple of entries back). You're going to need it!

Pufferfish said...

Such exciting news! I know it's sad to lose Baby B, but it sounds like you and E have your heads wrapped around it in a healthy way and I agree, two will be much easier.
Don't let my blog scare you right now!
I'm not sure where you live, but you might want to look for a MOM's club--Mother's of Multiples.
It has been a lifesaver and we've saved thousands of dollars getting thing from other twin moms on their classifieds.
PM me if you have any questions!
So happy for you!

This Mom said...

You've got a great attitude about the loss of Baby B. And now A & C have an even better chance of growing and thriving. Congratulations on 2 healthy little ones!

Anonymous said...

Wonder twin powers activate! Oh Gayby, I am thrilled for you, THRILLED! Congrats, congrats, congrats. You made it!

LDT: Blog said...

So happy to hear about the healthy thriving twins! What about one of those crossover vehicles? I know nothing about cars really but thought I would toss it out there. Congrats!

vee said...

Sorry to hear of the demise of baby B but great news that the other 2 are doing so well.