So far, everything is going very smoothly with doggy number 2. She's a 2 year old, supposedly boxer lab mix who was found as a stray. She was brought to a kill shelter while pregnant with 11 puppies. The puppies were adopted, and she was sent to a foster network. So far, she's gotten along incredibly well with our 6 year old boxer/jack russell mix. She's a cuddler, and takes treats very gently. I'm wondering why we didn't do this sooner.

(Tillie's petfinder photo- how could we say no to that face?)
Tillie has been an excellent distraction, which I very much need this week. I had my first blood draw on Thursday, 12/10. The next one was on Saturday, 12/12. My third won't be until Saturday, 12/19. I will also have a 5 week ultrasound that day. I am starting to freak out. Waiting a whole week between beta #2 and beta #3 seems like a long time. Did anyone else have to wait this long? I might not be as nervous if I actually felt pregnant, but right now I just don't. I have no symptoms whatsoever. That, combined with the spotting and my past performance at trying to make a baby has me a little pessimistic about what will happen at my ultrasound on Saturday. Bad news in the privacy of your own home is one thing. Bad news when you're up on a table stripped from the waist down while a doctor is poking you with a dildocam is another. Either way, come Saturday I'll know if Tillie is a distraction dog, or a consolation dog.
I'm voting for Distraction Dog, and sorry that it's such a long stretch between your second and third betas. In a way, though, that will give you a little more reassurance before the excellent ultrasound, right?
Tille is adorable. My family had a dog named Tillie years ago--love the name.
So many people told me they didn't feel any symptoms until 6 weeks. Just wait, they're coming.
Congratulations on the new addition and may she bring you years and years of joy and silliness.
Seriously, how freaken cute is Tillie? OMG, she's adorable. It's easier said than done but try to take it easy in between betas. I honestly don't think I relaxed until week 13/14. Even after hearing the heartbeat. I think for those of us who have ttc'd for so long, it takes a little longer to accept the reality of it all but you have the holidays and Tillie to distract you and keep you busy. Please keep posting pics of her and your other dog. I'd love to see them.
Omg I just read your last post and I am so excited for you guys. Thats great news. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. Tillie is so cute and they really do make things better no matter what the situation. I am so happy for you.
Your new dog is adorable! I am so glad you found each other!
I think I held my breath between betas too. And then I started holding my breath between prenatal heartbeat checks and ultrasounds.
Ok, I think I held my breath for 38 weeks. I'm sure you will too, and who can blame you? At least try to relax as much as you can. Easier said than done.
Tillie is a fabstractulation dog whatever happens. I can't imagine the anticipation you must be feeling right now, but I know that you have followed enough ttc stories to know that everyone's symptoms or lack thereof are so different as to bear no meaning as prognosticators. I am holding my breath with you and meanwhile hoping you are enjoying the chaos and joy of a new dog in your household!
I'm guessing the reason you waited was because you were meant to have this dog (so f-ing cute), just as you were meant to have this baby (sure to be f-ing cute and cuddly too)...
My doc only offered the 2 betas, followed by an u/s at 7 weeks. Of course a week after the betas I was dying so I just called and told them I was coming in for another beta. Don't wait if you don't want to. It's not worth the stress!
Distraction Dog for sure - she is very cute and no I wouldn't have been able to resist that face either!
I hope the distraction works and you find yourself with a fabulous beta #3 result before you know it - although I take it you'll have the ultrasound before you get the results?
I only spotted and didn;t feel much till about 6 weeks. Then BAM. The only stuff I felt before that was absolutely psychosomatic. So you get 10 points for not psyching yourself out with the symptoms!
The pup is adorable. I think she is most definately going to be a distraction pup. A week is a long time to wait, but you'll make it! And the u/s at 5 weeks doesn;t show much. usually they just look for a sac developping and ideally a yolk sac. The baby is still way too small to see at that point.
I am so excited for you guys!
Tillie is *such* a doll! Mazel tov on her adoption! I just know that she'll be a distraction dog.
I couldn't sleep at all the night before my first ultrasound appointment (at around six weeks), so I know how anxiety-provoking this wait time is. I hope Saturday comes soon for you so you can have some reassurance and a big sigh of relief, because girl, you are pregaroo. And seeing proof on that ultrasound screen is going to be the most.amazing.thing.ever.
That dog is just precious!
If your second beta at least doubles your first, there is no real need to get a third. That said, our RE wanted use to get FOUR. After the third rose perfectly, we declined the fourth because again, there's no real need. So basically, if your second is good, you can rest easier and *try* not to worry about the 3rd. Good luck!
Don't worry about lack of symptoms girl, that's totally normal for this early. I can't wait to hear the good news from your beta and scan!
That pooch is quite the doll isn't she? Lucky her, lucky you!
Lack of symptoms is definitely the norm at this point, but I hope your next beta brings the reassurance you need and that adorable Tillie becomes the distraction dog you need!
Wow.. I've missed a lot this week! Congrats on the positive betas!! That's an amazing turn of events!!!
I had no pregnancy symptoms either and I went bonkers between betas. I spent so much money on daily HPT just to make sure the line was *still* there. Then the stress of u/s #1, and #2 and on and on... it never ended for me and I'm 38 weeks now!
I do think Tillie is an adorable distraction for your worries. What a sweet story that she was saved after her puppies were all adopted. That always breaks my heart. I'd adopt the mom too!!
Best of luck and congrats again!! I'm so happy for you!!
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