Finally, I was called into the procedure room. I remember the anesthesiologist putting an oxygen mask over my face and telling me to think of my favorite place. I remember him putting the drugs into my IV. I remember looking at the light overhead, and thinking "I hope this doesn't take long". And then Elizabeth was standing over me in the recovery room.
As soon as I was conscious, I felt some crazy need to prove how alert I was. While I was waiting to go into the procedure room, I had heard the people in the beds next to me, groggy and mumbling after they woke up. My control freak self said that I just couldn't be one of those crazy mumbling women. So I made a point of being super chatty with the nurse, which probably just made me seem like a weirdo.
Overall, the retrieval was much better than I expected. I haven't felt any pain or nausea, and was up and ready to go within 1/2 hour of being wheeled out of the recovery room. And they got 18 eggs! Now I am waiting on pins and needles for the phone call on Monday, when I find out if any of them fertilized.

Lucky duck socks in the recovery room
it seems like those socks are, indeed, quite lucky! EIGHTEEN! that's awesome! congrats on having the Bradys times three in there. I just know your baby is one of those eggs. I can't wait until s/he gets here already!!
We're thinking of you here and hope you are still feeling well. Way to be such a trooper and get through all that anesthesia stuff. i TOTALLY relate to your fear and often worry about what'll happen if/when i have to go under.
congrats again!
Congrats!! That is an amazing number to get. I can't wait to hear about the fertilization results. Thinking all good thoughts for you.
Holy eggs woman!!! 18 is fantastic. I can't wait to hear the update. I love the socks. When I had my back surgery, I remember being really insistant on trying to sit up. It's weird what our brain tell us. The big question though is did you yell out that you love titties? ha ha ha.
Lucky duck is right - 18 is a super awesome number! Wow I'm so happy for you, can't wait to hear Monday's report but what a fabulous start!
So glad everything went smoothly after all that stress.
Your posts make me laugh. I wish we could get the video (or even audio) of you chatting to see how you sounded. Lisa's comment above was funny, too!
Congrats - can't wait to hear the next report!
YAY! What great numbers. I'm so happy and excited for you.
Love the socks, love your retrieval number. Thinking good fert thoughts for you. Hopefully today's news is wonderful too.
18 is good number and you didn't even tell all your business while you were laid out:)
Those sure are some lucky duck socks. Awesome retrieval number! I am very excited for you both.
I hope you already have good news by the time I got to wish you luck!
Wow!!! You're like a regular barn yard chiken! Nice work ovaries, nice work. there is a baby at the end of this cycle for sure, I can just feel it.
I'm still laughing about you chatting up the nurse, control freak style. That is exactly what I would have done I think.
Can't wait to here about the eggies!
YAY! 18 is a great number. Not that you care, necessarily, but 18 is a very important number in Judaism--the letters that spell the word for "life" in Hebrew, "chai," add up to 18, so it's believed to be a very auspicious number.
Can't wait to hear the fertilization results!
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