You know how it is when you have an inside joke? When you see something that is only funny to you and others who are in on the joke, and you smirk or giggle like an idiot? Well, TTC has become the inside joke between me and Elizabeth. The other day we were watching T0p Chef with some friends, and one of the chefs was making something with liquid nitrogen. My friend Leigh suggested that for the next episode, I make snacks for everyone using liquid nitrogen. The mere mention of liquid nitrogen causes Elizabeth to get a goofy grin on her face. "Where would we EVER get something like THAT?" she wondered aloud. Of course I know she's probably thinking about the time we threw a strawberry into the tank after a home insem just because we were curious. But normal people don't giggle when they see liquid nitrogen, so I played it cool as best I could.
Last week Elizabeth's parent's were visiting and her mother commented on a little hand painted bowl sitting on the counter. She picked it up to admire it further and complimented our good taste. Little did she know that this is the bowl that we used for all of our home insems. The bowl would be placed on the bedside table to hold the thawing vials so they wouldn't fall and roll under the bed or radiator. I thanked her, but with a stupid grin on my face. And then I caught Elizabeth's eye and nearly died trying to stop myself from laughing. It is not normal to laugh or avoid eye contact when someone compliments your kitchenware.
I am so terrible at hiding my emotions and keeping secrets. Why did I think I would be able to get myself knocked up without anyone finding out until I announced my pregnancy?
2 months ago
I enjoyed that post, it made me laugh and smile. Thanks for that.
So hilarious. We've done the same thing.
I saw something awhile ago about making cocktails w/ liquid nitrogen. It looked so cool! I want V to bring some home from the lab for me for our next party! If I talk her into it, I'll invite you guys over!
Very funny-- so what did happen to that strawberry?
The dog ate the strawberry of course!
Was the strawberry frozen solid? The other day Danielle and I were watching Iron Chef America and one of them had a tank of liquid nitrogen. I'm like ew' they are cooking with sperm!!!! It's just so funny to see those tanks in other settings other than holding vials of jizz.
Ha! Too funny.
this was so funny! i love, too, that you were experimenting with the liquid nitrogen. i am so terrified of it. i am always saying to boo: don't we need the goggles or the gloves? and she's already lifting them out with a tee shirt. ahhh!
Hilarious! Top Chef watching will never be the same.
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