I just sold my kids to buy a vacuum and pay some credit card bills. Not
my actual kids, mind you. But my potential future kids. I sold the 3
remaining vials of my retired, sold out donor that I had been clinging
to since I got pregnant. In the last few days that those vials were
eligible for the 1/2 price buyback, I finally signed and sent the forms
stating that I no longer wanted to hold them in storage.
I always thought that I'd want to be pregnant more than once. Seeing how sweet and loving my 2 1/2 year olds
are with the babies in their life makes me long to give them a baby
brother or sister of their own. Every time I see a belly shot, or a
grainy ultrasound picture on facebook,
I want to have those moments for myself a second time. But in reality,
I know it's most likely not in the cards for us. What makes it hardest
for me is that it's mostly a matter of finances. We are able to cover
all of our basic needs, but not much more than that. Selling the sperm
back now feels like admitting that our finances aren't going to get much
better in the foreseeable future. Or at least not in my fertile
future. Our need for the buyback money was stronger than our need to
feel 100% sure about our "family goal being reached" as the buyback form
puts it. I'm feeling mostly okay with stopping at two kids, but it's a
hasty decision,
and feels rather unceremonious to be doing it now, just so that we can
make the buyback window. So if there is anyone out there who still
reads this thing I'm wondering- how did you know when you'd met your
family goal? Did your idea of how many kids you wanted change over
P.S.- Check out the little column to the right. You'll
see that I posted quite a bit when I was trying to get pregnant, a
respectable amount when I finally did get pregnant, and then hardly at
all once I had kids. This is only my second post of 2013! I still read
your blogs religiously but don't comment as much as I'd like. I am still trying to decide if I want to keep this one going...
3 months ago
I can't answer your question, as we haven't finished yet, but I know finances will ultimately be a big part of deciding when to let any extra embryos go, and it sucks.
I am still reading, though, and always eager to hear more from you.
Still reading. We had it easier than most on this issue, since we only ever wanted one. I know it was a tough call to make, but I hope you got a great vacuum out of the deal.
I hope it was a dyson.
Yup, it's a Dyson digital slim. And the kids find it almost as fascinating as they find babies, so it really isn't a bad compromise.
I always like to read your posts.
I think we feel really similarly about whether or not we are "done". Twins when you envisioned two singletons consecutively just really changes how you pictured your family would be. Like you, I worry about money and feel like a third would be too much. But I'm not ready to close the door. It's also different because what we have is an embryo and not just sperm...so....a more loaded decision of that little frozen guy's future.
Sounds like you are gaining peace with your decision, at any rate.
I understand how it must feel unceremonious, especially after creating your babies involved so much hoopla!
Sometimes I get a little panicked that I am nearing the end of my procreative life. I'll be 40 this year. We do have 4 embryos left, and will transfer them later this year, but I've never had success with FET's. The thought that this last pregnancy could have been my last somehow breaks my heart.
I've been pregnant 5 times, and have 4 living children, including twin 8-month-old boys. I am truly blessed. But somehow still, I yearn, and yearn, and yearn for more.
Glad you are back writing! Look forward to reading more from you.
PS. Thank you for adding me to your blogroll!
I sympathize completely. I'm not ready to close the door on the possibility even though I can't imagine we'd have another. Daycare for two is already so crazy expensive - I can't imagine daycare for three!
It's hard. I don't know what we will do if we don't go through our frosties TTC #2.
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